"Sonma.mobie.in" is a social site designed for social help for villagers as well as other users. This site contains information about sonma village and also other sites link to help users for web surffing. This site also useful for students who use internet for his study and information about his related scheme.
This site is also useful for those users who is new on internet world because it contains a number of importents site link for intertainment, news, and many more.... So you can visit a number of sites through this website
This site is designed and developed by Dhananjay kumar which is a student of Computer science and Engg. in period of his Timepass and Learning project in sep-oct 2013.
This is not a business oriented site because it is developed for social help and services. but it flashes some advertisements for it's maintenance charges. It is giving it's services regularly from Oct-2013.
Our mission is to connect our society from all over the world. A number of villagers are living in other states of our country. They were disconnected from his motherland but after launching of this site they are feeling them in his own village. because they get current news of his village every time from this website.
To give you current news our team is active and giving regularly current news, information, intertainment, etc. to you.
for any current news visit Breaking News section on our Homepage.If you have also any news, useful information, etc. then you can contact us and send that contents by mail. We will publish your news with your name and address if you will be agree.
Thank you.......

